ICRPS 2018 – Day 9 – July 3

Written by: Dinesh Dhakal & Merlin Hernandez We started Day 9 by reviewing what we learned in our last visit of Dekalb County Farmers Market and The Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum. Everybody shared how those two sites are connected to social justice and rural policy. The products available in the farmers market are Read More …

Recently Read: Thinking, Debating And Doing – New Experiences of Farming

by the editors 02/10/2014 “Growing biointensive”  is both an agricultural methodology and an international movement with people having alternative experiences A Berlin based company called Infarm takes urban farming to a new level. You can now grow micro greens in your own kitchen by using their growing kit. It´s reusable and allows you to see Read More …

Social farming entrepreneur experience in Catalonia: Sambucus sccp

by Bernat Vilarasau 12/04/2014 Over the last two years I have been involved in an exciting  social entrepreneurship experience. It was in December of 2011, when a group of seven entrepreneurs founded the Cooperative Sambucus sccp. But the real beginning of the initiative was two years before. At the time I was working as the Read More …

Recently Read: Food production and climate change in a fast changing world

by the editors, 01/12/2013 Curious about what we have read lately? Here is a few links that we hope can be of interest to you: A personal story about climate change and smallholder farmers “What My Great Grandfather Taught Me About Climate Change And Agriculture“ Economic growth is not everything, GDP does not capture the Read More …

Recently Read: Technology for the Future of Farming?

by the editors, 6/10/2013 These are some of the articles we have come across lately. We hope you enjoy! The 9th OECD Rural Developement Policy Confererence will be held in Bologna, Italy 23-25th of October. The topic is Rural-Urban Partnerships: An Integrated Approach to Economic Developement Norway invests $23.7 million in crop diversity to ensure Read More …

Recently Read: How To Get Young People Excited About Becoming a Farmer?

by the editors 9/9/2013 “Global Food Security: Challenges for the Food and Agricultural System” from the OECD How do you get young people to be excited about becoming a farmer? (The Guardian) In the US, the number of farms operated by women is increasing, according to Public News Service. It is estimated that more than Read More …

Recently Read: Economic Development with Ethical Consumption?

by the editors 20/11/2012   The Problem Is Clear: The Water Is Filthy. Rural communities in California struggles to find solutions to their problems with dirty drinking water according to The New York Times (Thanks for the tip, John Devlin!) Canada’s Corn Belt Attracts the Hot Money Fostering Community Economic Development with Ethical Consumption: An Read More …

Recently read: The Future of Farming

by the editors, 2/10/2012 The articles this week have one thing in common – they contemplate the future of farming, in one way or the other. Could water shortage force us all into vegetarianism sometime in the future? A FAO publication says targeted policies and capacity building is crucial for livestock sector developement and poverty Read More …

Field reflection: Home Solutions for Global Concerns

by Stuty Maskey 04/07/2012 My work, in broad sense, requires me to connect rural economy to the market system. Recently I was out in a field trip assessing the capacity to up-scale smallholder businesses dependent on forest resources. My trip got extended by a day due to lack of transportation to return home and I decided Read More …