Recently Read: US Intelligence Agencies Predict 2030

by the editors 18/12/2012 Rural Areas in Transition: Services of General Interest, Entrepreneurship and Quality of Life –  IAMO Forum 2013 to be held in Halle (Saale), Germany 19-21 June 2013 U.S. Intelligence Agencies See a Different World in 2030 including increased urbanization, shifting economic power, and resource shortages (including food and water). FAO calls for Read More …

Recently Read: Economic Development with Ethical Consumption?

by the editors 20/11/2012   The Problem Is Clear: The Water Is Filthy. Rural communities in California struggles to find solutions to their problems with dirty drinking water according to The New York Times (Thanks for the tip, John Devlin!) Canada’s Corn Belt Attracts the Hot Money Fostering Community Economic Development with Ethical Consumption: An Read More …

Recently read: The Future of Farming

by the editors, 2/10/2012 The articles this week have one thing in common – they contemplate the future of farming, in one way or the other. Could water shortage force us all into vegetarianism sometime in the future? A FAO publication says targeted policies and capacity building is crucial for livestock sector developement and poverty Read More …