New Issue of JRCD: “Community Impacts from Large Oil and Natural Gas Ventures in Rural and Remote Areas”

by Doug Ramsey, 20/4/2014

The Journal of Rural and Community Development (JRCD) is pleased to announce the release of Volume 9, Issue 1 (2014) titled ‘Community Impacts from Large Oil and Natural Gas Ventures in Rural and Remote Areas.’ The special issue editors are Andrew Taylor (Charles Darwin University, Australia) and Dean Carson (Flinders University and Charles Darwin University, Australia).

An editorial introduction which frames this special issue is followed by eight articles reporting on research in the U.S.A., Canada, Russia, Norway, Greenland, and Australia. We are very excited to publish this issue at a time when issues of oil and gas exploration, extraction, and transport are being debated around the world.

While not comparative research in the methodological sense, the collection of papers should be useful for ICRPS students and faculty who are interested in what is happening in this resource sector in various regions of the world.
Go to to download for free. Here is the table of contents for your information.

Community Impacts from Large Oil and Natural Gas Ventures in Rural and Remote Areas

Community Impacts from Large Oil and Natural Gas Ventures in Rural and Remote Areas – Andrew Taylor and Gertrude Eilmsteiner-Saxinger

1. The Unconventional Boomtown: Updating the impact model to fit new spatial and temporal scales – Jeffrey Jacquet and David L. Kay

2. It’s Raining Men in Darwin: Gendered Effects from the Construction of Major Oil and Gas Projects – Andrew J Taylor and Dean B Carson

3. Russia’s Long-Distance Commuters in the Oil and Gas Industry: Social Mobility and Current Developments – an Ethnographic Perspective from the Republic of Bashkortostan – Elisabeth Öfner (Oefner)

4. Building a High North Growth Pole: The Northern Norwegian City of Hammerfest in the Wake of Developing the “Snow White” Barents Sea Gas Field – Sveinung Eikeland

5. Resource Development, Local Adjustment, and Regional Policy: Resolving the Problem of Rapid Growth in the Pilbara, Western Australia – Rachel Chapman, Matthew Tonts and Paul Plummer

6. From Boom and Bust to Regional Waves: Development Patterns in the Peace River Region, British Columbia – Laura Ryser, Sean Markey, Don Manson and Greg Halseth

7. Natural Resource Exploration and Extraction in Northern Canada: Intersections with Community Cohesion and Social Welfare – Prescott C. Ensign, Audrey Giles and Jackie Oncescu

8. Greenlandic Perspectives on Offshore Oil and Gas Activities – An Illustration of Changes in Legitimacy Related to Democratic Decision Processes – Klaus Georg Hansen

Read about JRCD issue Volume 8, Issue 2 here

Read about how the hacker attack on Brandon University affected the journal here

Doug RamseyDoug Ramsey is a Professor at Brandon University in Manitoba, Canada. He participated in the 2004 (Ontario), 2005 (Belgium), 2009 (Scotland), and 2011 (Norway) ICRPS institutes, hosted the 2006 Institute in Manitoba, and assisted in planning the 2007 (Spain) Institute. He is a rural geographer interested in agricultural restructuring and rural tourism. Email Doug at