by the editors 17/07/2014
Here´s the last Recently Read for the season. Enjoy!
- According to a new article in the Pew Reserch Center website, Americans have the cheapest food in history, and this unprecedented abundance is largely responsible for our current obesity epidemic.
- Water and Climate Risks Facing U.S. Corn Production: How Companies and Investors Can Cultivate Sustainability from Ceres.
- According to the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP) climate change will ‘cost the world far more than estimated’ – full report available here
- Climate Change, Water and Agriculture: Towards Resilient Systems from the OECD
- Can fog help irrigate farmer’s fields? Sure, you just have to catch it first, says this article published in New Scientist: Fog catchers pull water from air in Chile’s dry fields
- Grabbed land could have fed 550 milion people in the world’s hungriest countries, reports The Guardian.
- Clear differences between organic and non-organic food, study finds I The Guardian (Thanks @John Devlin!)
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