Chapters for the ICRPS Book

Dear ICRPS alumni,

The ICRPS faculty at the University of Missouri are coordinating an online textbook on ‘comparative agricultural and rural policy’ that will serve as a guide for the 2013 ICRPS summer institute and related graduate courses at ICRPS partner institutions. Although the book will be initially published in electronic format, this does not preclude a potential paper publication in the future.

 We are currently in the process of collecting chapters/chapter proposals that could be included in the book. If you are interested in participating in this effort (either have a manuscript that could be included in the book or have a project for a chapter), please let us know by either sending us a finished/draft manuscript or a 2-page chapter proposal by November 30th, 2012. A final version of the chapter for selected manuscripts will be needed by March 31st, 2013. The content of the chapter should be on comparative agricultural and rural policy theory, methods or case (teaching or empirical), and should be between 5-20 pages in length and in word format to allow for editorial adjustments before publication. The audience of the book is post-graduate students in multiple disciplines who have an interest in comparative and international agricultural and rural policy.

Please send chapters/chapter proposals to johnsontg”at” and stallmannj”at” by November 30th, 2012. Any questions regarding the book format/scope should be sent to mfigueroaarmijos”at”

 We look forward to hearing back from you.

 Best regards,

 Tom Johnson and Judy Stallmann